Title: Hoosli III - Гуслі III
Release Date: December 1, 1987
Format: Cassette
- Як за дальним (Partisan Cavalry Song)
- Ой у полі береза (Song of the Birch Tree)
- Ранно вранці (Shattered Dreams)
- Чорна рілля (The Black Tilled Earth)
- Царю Небесний (Heavenly Father)
- Гей не дивуйтесь (Cossack Victory Song)
- Гайдамацька пісня (Cossack Song)
- Ой на горі пшениченька (Why Are You Unfaithful?)
- Засяло сонце (Patriotic Song of Freedom)
- І по той бік гора (Girl or Star?)
- Пісня про Тютюника (Song of Juri Tjutjunnyk)
- Хваліте ім’я Господне (Praise the Name of the Lord)
- Бандуристе, орле сизий (The Bandurist Song)
About Release:
In 1987, this third album was released. This recording was published on cassette only and includes 13 songs. The choir at the time consisted of 25 members.
Limited copies of this of this album may be available directly from Hoosli. Please contact us for details.
- William Solomon, Choral Conductor
- Michael Zakaluzny, Assistant Conductor
- Thomas Sobkow, Artistic Director
- Dave Jandrisch, Orchestral Arrangement
First Tenors
- Ken Bailey
- John Budyk
- Gerard Bzdel
- Danny Lega
- John Mayba
- Bob Zaporozan
- Michael Zakaluzny
Second Tenors
- Dave Chomiak
- Joe Dudych
- Orest Deneka
- Myron Halayda
- Paul Lucko
- Gary Lukie
- Tim Osachuk
- Andrei Bereznycky
- Dan Gusztak
- Jim Keller
- Brian Lukie
- Greg Udod
- Bill Chabluk
- Tom Dudych
- Leo Luch
- Russell Luch
- Merv Prosak
- Walter Saranchuk
Piano Accompaniment
- Irene Churchman