Title: 20th Anniversary Gala - Святкування 20-ого Ювілею
Release Date: December 1, 1991
Format: Cassette
- Ой зішла зоря (Evening Star)
- Лист до Султана (Letter to the Sultan)
- Закувала (Cossacks in Exile)
- На жовті води (Yellow Waters)
- Морозенко (Morozenko)
- Ой п’є Байда (Ballad of Bayda)
- Гей я козак (I’m a Cossack)
- Ой у полі верба (A Willow Stands in the Field)
- Огні горять (Departed Youth)
- Взяв би я бандуру (Bandura)
- Їхав стрілець (Soldiers Lament)
- В’язанка українських народних пісень (Potpourri of Ukrainain Folk Melodies)
About Release:
In 1991, in celebration of their 20th anniversary, Hoosli released this cassette, their fourth recording. Composed of 12 songs. Choir consisted of 36 members. A world famous painting by the noted artist Repin depicted a group of boisterous Kozaks writing a threatening letter to the Sultan; they had served the Sultan well and now wished to return to their homeland. In no uncertain terms they explained to the Sultan that they in no way feared either him or his hordes and homeward they would go – and if he didn’t like it, he knew what he could do!
Limited copies of this of this album may be available directly from Hoosli. Please contact us for details.
- William Solomon, Conductor
- Michael Ryczak, Assistant Conductor
- Cecil Semchyshyn, Artistic Director
- Dave Jandrisch, Orchestral Arrangement
First Tenors
- Ken Bailey
- Jaroslaw Buciora
- John Budyk
- Jim Dudych
- Ivan Maluzynski
- John Mayba
- Harry Szkwarek
- Bob Zaporozan
Second Tenors
- Don Cilinsky
- Joe Dudych
- Myron Halayda
- Julian Kylmkiw
- Gary Lukie
- Walter Lytwyn
- Tim Osachuk
- Andrei Bereznycky
- Dan Gusztak
- Ben Hewak
- Walter Hewak
- Jim Keller
- Leo Luch
- Bill Chabluk
- Tom Dudych
- Walter Dudych
- Russell Luch
- Paul Mayba
- Merv Prosak
- Walter Saranchuk
- Cecil Semchyshyn
- “Zoloti Struny” Bandurists
- Russ Dorosh, Accordion
- S. Gembarsky, Bass
- Bill Zulak, Violin