
Title: Encore

Release Date: December 1, 1998

Format: CD


  1. Козацькому роду нема переводу (Kozaks Forever)
  2. Стрілецьким шляхом (Songs of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen)
  3. Наливаймо браття (Let Us Drink, Brothers)
  4. Повіяв вітер степовий (The Steppe Wind)
  5. Ой там за Дунаєм (Beyond the Danube)
  6. Ставок заснув (The Tranquil Pond)
  7. Та туман яром котиться (The Fog in the Ravine)
  8. Та орав мужик (The Young Ploughman)
  9. Коломийка (Kolomyjka)
  10. Ой як мав я 20 літ (When I Was 20)
  11. Зеленая та ліщинонька (The Green Hazel Tree)
  12. Карпати кличуть (The Mountains Beckon)
  13. Розпрощався стрілець (The Rifleman’s Parting)
  14. Садок вишневий (The Cherry Orchard)
  15. Владико неба і землі (Ruler of Heaven and Earth)
  16. Верховино (Verkhovyno)
  17. Ти казала (You Led Me On)

About Release:

Just before the end of the millennium, Hoosli released their sixth studio album, containing 17 songs from the full breadth of Hoosli’s repertoire. The rollicking songs of the gallant kozaky are blended with gentle ballads that speak to the heart. Passionate lyrics woven with lush harmonies relay the deep emotions that Ukrainians have expressed through their music as individuals, and as a people. The struggle for freedom from foreign oppression, the sentiments of bittersweet love, the pastoral beauty of the Carpathian Mountains, and the love of one’s homeland, are just a few of the themes that all listeners will appreciate.

CD’s of this album are also available directly from Hoosli. Please contact us for details.


  • William Solomon


First Tenors

  • Myles Burdeniuk
  • Orest Deneka
  • Jim Dudych
  • Cory Kohut
  • Andrew Maksymetz
  • Mark Procyshyn
  • Chris Rawluk
  • Nick Sirdar
  • Harry Szkwarek
  • Bob Zaporozan

Second Tenors

  • Colin Burdeniuk
  • Don Cilinski
  • Joe Dudych
  • Myron Halayda
  • Myron Kurjewicz
  • Chris Lukie
  • Gary Lukie
  • Ted Perich
  • Myron Radawetz
  • Michael Ryczak
  • Marc Storozuk


  • Cory Anderson
  • Andy Bereznycky
  • Ben Hewak
  • Walter Hewak
  • Mark Karpa
  • Jim Keller
  • Roman Kukura
  • Leo Luch
  • Tim Lukie
  • George Stolarskyj


  • Don Bryk
  • Bill Chabluk
  • Tom Dudych
  • Walter Dudych
  • Alex Kryschuk
  • Russ Luch
  • Paul Mayba
  • Merv Prosak
  • John Sirdar
  • Mark Turman

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